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Well hey there, welcome to my corner of the internet :)
My name is Jared Hamilton. I’m a coach, dog dad, blue belt in jiu-jitsu, and have a giant tree tattooed on my left arm.
If you aren’t very familiar with me or my work and are a little concerned with my credibility I totally get it.
To give you a little context I’m kind of a mash up: I grew up as fat kid and struggled with my own shit for most my life. I've been professionally coaching people for the last decade, helping hundreds of people all over the world and I've built, scaled, and own my global coaching business—Hamilton Trained.
Oh and my favorite food is donuts (Maple glazed, cream filled long John for those curious).
If that impresses you that's dope, but if not that’s fine too. My dog Remi is pretty impressed with me if I have his favorite treat so I’m solid.
But amongst all the dog dad stuff I’m a coach that helps people all over the world in all walks of life—but mostly shitty ones.
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